Many Point - dates for our Troop in 2022 are Sunday July 31st - Saturday August 6th

Key Dates

April 1st - Lottery system opens for Older Scout Programs - see If you are interested in Older Scout Programs, please let Tim Cary know before this date. More info below

April 15th - We need to submit our head count plus a $50 Deposit every youth participant, so please sign up by then. More info and signup: 

April 15th: Tier 2 Older Scout Program Requests Due

April 16th: Older Scout Program Requests become first come, first served

June 1st - Deadline for signup. The Troop must pay the balance owed on this date

Mid July - Please send completed/signed Physical Forms and necessary permission slips to Tim Cary no later than mid-July - you can either scan and email them to Tim or give him the hard copies – see link below

By Late July - work with Adult Leaders on which Merit Badges you'd like to take (or First Class Adventure)We'll have copies of the Advancement Planning Sheet at upcoming Troop Meetings and will help the boys decide what to sign up for  - more info below

7/31 – 8/6 – Camp Dates – Parents: please consider helping to drive there or back. Also feel free to come for the week or even part of the week if you’d like. If you can’t fully escape work, the main Admin Building has WiFi – parents have successfully been able to work from Many Point for the past several years.

2021 CAMP FEES (approximate)
Scout $350
Adult Leader $140

Camp Physicals

Physicals are required each year for both Scouts and parents who will be staying at least one night, so think about scheduling them sooner rather than later. The signed physical form MUST be dated August 7, 2021 or later, and MUST be on the official BSA form found here:

Various Permission Slips

Shooting Sports Form - Required for Rifle, Shotgun and Archery Ranges; form is found here (all Scouts should have this completed and signed):

ATV Release Form (mostly pertains to older Scouts) - Anybody planning to ride All-Terrain Vehicles at Many Point – through High Adventure or otherwise – will need to complete the form here:

PWC Release Form (mostly pertains to older Scouts) -  - Anybody planning to ride Personal Watercraft at Many Point – through High Adventure or otherwise – will need to complete the form here:

Programs and Advancement

New/Newer Scouts

New Scouts generally sign up for First Class Adventure, where they complete nearly all the requirements to advance them to the rank of First Class. More info on this great program can be found here:

Merit Badges

More than 50 Merit Badges are offered at camp. Classes are held between breakfast and lunch and at other times as arranged. You can see which Merit Badges are being offered this year (subject to change) below:

We encourage the boys to sign up for something for each Merit Badge session. Not sure what to take? Here are some suggestions:

Older Scout Programs – subject to change

If you would like to sign up for any of the below programs (provided you are old enough), please let Tim Cary know before April 1st - contact info below.

Here are the programs available to older Scouts. Note that due to demand, there is a Lottery system in place for the Tier 2 programs, which opens April 1st; however, there is no guarantee that you will get into the Program you want. More information and additional requirements can be found here:

Tier 2 -  mornings, M - F (Lottery entry applies)

An additional charge of $51 - Must have completed 8th Grade - Scout who sign up for these generally don't sign up for Merit Badge sessions:

  • Water Sports Outpost*
  • Older Scout Adventure Blast*
  • Mountain Bike Outpost

*Scout must be a swimmer to participate

Tier 1 - Single Day Program

Must have completed 7th Grade

  • Huck Finn Overnight*
  • Tree House Overnight
  • Fishing Outpost*
  • International Target Sports Outpost (ITSO) 
  • Five Stand Shotgun Outpost
  • Frontier Outpost
  • All-Terrain Outpost
  • Adventure Cove* 
  • Bike Trek
  • Water Skiing*
  • Kayak Trek*

*Scout must be a swimmer to participate

For questions on Many Point 2022, please contact:

Tim Cary


TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved